Sunday, October 29, 2006


Burrowing Bullfrog

The largest South African frog, this bullfrog measures up to 24 cm (9.5 inches) and may weigh over two kilograms. It has a stout body with dull green skin and a broad head. The male usually has a yellow throat while the female's throat is cream. Toothlike projections on its lower jaw restrain struggling prey. Only its hind toes are webbed. The female is much smaller than the male (12 cm or 4.45 inches), which is an exception in frogs.
Tropical Africa eastward and southward from Nigeria. Found throughout the eastern savanna regions, from Somalia to Port Elizabeth, extending westwards to Angola.Habitat open grassland in temporary puddles, when available.
Anything it can overpower, including mice, lizards, and other frogs.
Males call from a breeding site in shallow water where females then lay their eggs, one at a time. In breeding, the male develops swollen pads on forelimbs and thumbs with which he grasps the female. As she lays her eggs, he fertilizes them. The jellylike substance around the eggs protects them to some degree and prevents dehydration.

Monday, October 23, 2006


Laughing Kookaburra

They feed by perching on a tree branch and pouncing on terrestrial invertebrates, reptiles, small mammals, birds and nestlings. Can devour snakes up to 3 ft in length. Not closely associated with water, but will sometimes catch fish with plunging dives and, on occasion, raid suburban goldfish ponds. Prey is stunned by dropping from a height or whacking it against a branch before swallowing. They will even kill poisonous snakes by grabbing them behind the head and smashing them against a rock until they are dead.

Diurnal. These birds live in family groups that defend the same territories year round. They nest in hollow trees, holes in the walls of buildings, or the nests of termites. Sexual maturity is at 1 year. The female lays two or three white eggs; incubation is 18-22 days and the nestling period is 20-30 days. Both parents generally play equal parts in incubation, brooding and rearing of the young. The young depend on their parents for several months. Often the offspring will stay with their parents to help gather food for the following broods of chicks and to help guard the territory. Eventually, they will find a mate of their own and establish their own territory.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Laughing Kookaburra

This largest of all kingfishers is up to 17 inches in length and weighs up to 1 pound. Plumage is brown with grayish white underside and head. Tail has dark bands and face has brown cheek patches. Females have gray patches on their wings; males have blue patches on their wings and at the top of their tail. They have long sharply pointed beaks that are slightly flattened from top to bottom; the top of the beak is black and the bottom is tan. Known for its loud territorial call that sounds like maniacal human laughter, the bird also utters softer gutteral sounds. Their flattish feet have the middle and outer toes welded together over much of their length and they hop instead of walk.

Geographical range
Open woodland, forest, farmlands, orchards, towns of eastern and southeastern Australia from northeast Queensland south to Victoria and west to southeastern South Australia. Introduced into southwestern Australia, Tasmania, and Kangaroo and Flinders Islands in Bass Strait.

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Asian Potbellied Miniature Pig

Wild pigs live in a group of females and their offspring with males joining the group to mate. Pigs differ from other ungulates in that they are born in a nest and remain there following birth. Potbelly Pigs reach puberty around 6-7 months of age. Females have a heat cycle every 21 days that lasts about 3 days. The gestation period is around 114 days and a litter of 4 to 12 is usually produced. Piglets are weaned at 8-10 weeks. Full growth is not reached until about 3-4 years of age. Life span is about 12-18 years.
The snout is adapted for rooting for food; a cartilaginous disc supported and strengthened by a prenasal bone makes a very good digging tool. The pig has a very keen sense of smell and can locate minuscule amounts of food in the soil and can follow it by air-scenting. They have been used by law enforcement agencies to sniff out drugs.
Wild pigs throughout the world have been extensively hunted for food, sport and as pests to man’s crops. Size, temperament, and sharp tusks of many make them potentially dangerous adversaries. Asian Potbelly Miniature Pigs are also known as Chinese or Vietnamese Potbelly Pigs and are descended from the wild boars that once roamed throughout China.

Friday, October 13, 2006


Asian Potbellied Miniature Pig

Full grown Potbelly Miniature Pigs range from 15-18 inches in height, average 3 foot in length and weigh an average of 70-150 pounds with some reaching 200 pounds or more. (At one time the ideal weight, according to breeders, was around 50 pounds, but evidently this standard has been changed.) Males are larger than females. (Their farmyard cousins can weigh up to 1500 pounds.) Unlike livestock pigs, Miniature Potbellies have retained the shiny dark gray, brown, or black coat of the wild boars, with occasional spots of white. Solid white coats are also found. Their tails are long and straight rather than curly. They have an exaggerated potbelly, a swayed back, and erect ears.

Found in the domesticated state in Asia, Europe, and North America.

Pigs are omnivorous. With wild pigs activity is mainly nocturnal and crepuscular, but domestic pigs adjust to a daytime schedule. They eat fungi, tubers, bulbs, green vegetation, grains, nuts, cultivated crops, invertebrates, small vertebrates and carrion.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Indian Muntjac

Females reach sexual maturity within a year of age and are polyestrous, with a cycle of 14-21 days and estrus lasting about two days. Gestation is about 210 days. Young is born in dense jungle growth, where it remains hidden until it can move about with its mother. Life span is 17 years in captivity.
Tusks are capable of inflicting serious injuries to other animals. They are also called barking deer since they make a deep, barklike sound; if they sense a predator they will “bark” for an hour or more.
Muntjacs are considered a relatively primitive group of deer, because of their small size and because the males have enlarged upper canines. A new species of muntjac called the Giant Muntjac was just found in 1992 in Vietnam. It weighs 88-110 lb (40-50 kg).

Nowak, Ronald. 1999. Walker’s Mammals of the World

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Indian Muntjac

Weight variously reported as 40-60 pounds and height at shoulder 23-30 inches. Coloration varies from deep brown to yellowish or grayish brown with creamy or whitish markings. Body is covered with short, soft hairs, except for the ears, which are sparsely haired. Antlers are carried on long, bony hair-covered pedicles. These pedicles do not originate on the top of the skull as in other deer, but extend some distance down the face, visible externally as prominent ridges. Antlers usually are just spikes. The upper canine teeth of the males are elongated into tusks, which curve outward from the lips. Females have small bony knobs and tufts of hair where the antlers occur in the males.

M. muntjak is found in the forests of India and Nepal to southern China, Tibet, Sri Lanka, Malay peninsula and Indonesia. M. reevesi is found in southern China and Taiwan. Introduction has led to the establishment of wild populations of M. reevesi in England and Wales.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Pygmy goats originally came from the Cameroon region of West Africa. Now found as pets in many places.
Goats are known for their ability to prosper on poor pasture. They are vegetarians that prefer browse to pasture. To reach high branches they stand on their hind legs.
The normal issue is two kids after a gestation period of 21-22 weeks. Goats are sexually mature as early as 6 months old. The normal life span is 8 to 12 years.
They are agile climbers due in part to the hair which grows between their hooves and gives them traction on smooth surfaces.

Alpine Goat
Usually fawn-colored and black-bearded and often has no horns. Length head to tail 6 feet. Weight to 250 pounds. As in wild goats, the udder has only two nipples. Both sexes have two skin appendages at the throat, and the males have beards.
Originally bred in the Alpine regions of Switzerland.
Goats are known for their ability to prosper on poor pasture. They are vegetarians that prefer browse to pasture. In addition to foliage they also eat mosses and lichens.
The normal litter is two kids after a gestation period of 21-22 weeks. Goats are sexually mature as early as 6 months old. The normal life span is 8 to 12 years.
They are agile climbers due in part to the hair which grows between their hooves and gives them traction on smooth surfaces.

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