Sunday, October 08, 2006


Indian Muntjac

Females reach sexual maturity within a year of age and are polyestrous, with a cycle of 14-21 days and estrus lasting about two days. Gestation is about 210 days. Young is born in dense jungle growth, where it remains hidden until it can move about with its mother. Life span is 17 years in captivity.
Tusks are capable of inflicting serious injuries to other animals. They are also called barking deer since they make a deep, barklike sound; if they sense a predator they will “bark” for an hour or more.
Muntjacs are considered a relatively primitive group of deer, because of their small size and because the males have enlarged upper canines. A new species of muntjac called the Giant Muntjac was just found in 1992 in Vietnam. It weighs 88-110 lb (40-50 kg).

Nowak, Ronald. 1999. Walker’s Mammals of the World

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