Friday, October 13, 2006


Asian Potbellied Miniature Pig

Full grown Potbelly Miniature Pigs range from 15-18 inches in height, average 3 foot in length and weigh an average of 70-150 pounds with some reaching 200 pounds or more. (At one time the ideal weight, according to breeders, was around 50 pounds, but evidently this standard has been changed.) Males are larger than females. (Their farmyard cousins can weigh up to 1500 pounds.) Unlike livestock pigs, Miniature Potbellies have retained the shiny dark gray, brown, or black coat of the wild boars, with occasional spots of white. Solid white coats are also found. Their tails are long and straight rather than curly. They have an exaggerated potbelly, a swayed back, and erect ears.

Found in the domesticated state in Asia, Europe, and North America.

Pigs are omnivorous. With wild pigs activity is mainly nocturnal and crepuscular, but domestic pigs adjust to a daytime schedule. They eat fungi, tubers, bulbs, green vegetation, grains, nuts, cultivated crops, invertebrates, small vertebrates and carrion.

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