Sunday, October 29, 2006
Burrowing Bullfrog
The largest South African frog, this bullfrog measures up to 24 cm (9.5 inches) and may weigh over two kilograms. It has a stout body with dull green skin and a broad head. The male usually has a yellow throat while the female's throat is cream. Toothlike projections on its lower jaw restrain struggling prey. Only its hind toes are webbed. The female is much smaller than the male (12 cm or 4.45 inches), which is an exception in frogs.
Tropical Africa eastward and southward from Nigeria. Found throughout the eastern savanna regions, from Somalia to Port Elizabeth, extending westwards to Angola.Habitat open grassland in temporary puddles, when available.
Anything it can overpower, including mice, lizards, and other frogs.
Males call from a breeding site in shallow water where females then lay their eggs, one at a time. In breeding, the male develops swollen pads on forelimbs and thumbs with which he grasps the female. As she lays her eggs, he fertilizes them. The jellylike substance around the eggs protects them to some degree and prevents dehydration.
Tropical Africa eastward and southward from Nigeria. Found throughout the eastern savanna regions, from Somalia to Port Elizabeth, extending westwards to Angola.Habitat open grassland in temporary puddles, when available.
Anything it can overpower, including mice, lizards, and other frogs.
Males call from a breeding site in shallow water where females then lay their eggs, one at a time. In breeding, the male develops swollen pads on forelimbs and thumbs with which he grasps the female. As she lays her eggs, he fertilizes them. The jellylike substance around the eggs protects them to some degree and prevents dehydration.