Sunday, September 24, 2006


La Mancha Goat

A large goat with short, glossy hair of any color or combination. Females are around 28” at the withers and weigh 130 pounds or more. Males are around 30” at the withers and can weigh over 165 pounds. The goat has a wide, long tapering head, and a wide, deep muzzle with a dished or straight nose. The male has a full beard. The feet and legs are strong, straight and wide-apart. This goat is most famous for its very small ear flaps. There are 2 types of LaMancha goats: the “elf ear” of approximately 2 inches in length; and the “gopher ear” which is smaller (1” in length) and lacks most of the cartilage seen in the elf ear. Neither sex has horns.
Goats are known for their ability to prosper on poor pasture. They are vegetarians that prefer browse to pasture.
The normal issue is one to two kids after a gestation period of 21-22 weeks. Goats are sexually mature as early as 6 mos. old. Normal life span is 8 to 12 years.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Common Eland

Elands have been tamed, but not domesticated as yet. Eland can gain 1 1/2 pounds a day on grazing land compared to about 2/3 of a pound in cattle. Adult males produce a clicking noise when walking, possibly originating in the tendons of the front legs. The click is much louder than the clacking of the hooves and can be heard over a mile away in still conditions. The sound may serve to warn younger males there is a large dominant male around.

They have been reduced in numbers because: they are easily captured and killed; they yield large amounts of tender meat; their thick hide is excellent; and they suffer from rinderpest. Although the common eland is not endangered, the giant eland is listed as endangered by the IUCN and the USFDI.

MacDonald, David. 1984. The Encyclopedia of Mammals

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Common Eland II

Browse in morning and evening. Lie in shelter during heat of day. Very shy and difficult to approach. Gregarious, occurring in groups up to 100. Bulls often solitary, but not territorial. Travel long distances during migration. Impregnate forehead tuft with moist or urine-soaked soil and brush this paste on tree trunks, bushes, or walls as a marking. Use horns for fighting and to break branches off trees. Display broadside, keeping head up and away and presenting shoulder region. Males are sexually mature at 4 years of age, females at 3 years. Apparently there is no fixed breeding season but the majority of births are at the beginning of the rainy season. Gestation period is 250-270 days; one calf is usual. Calves form nursery groups; often have closer bonds with other calves than with their mothers. Males decide ranking by their sparring within the nursery group. Females will cooperatively fight predators. Life span is 15-20 years.

Friday, September 01, 2006


Common Eland

Largest and most heavily built of the antelopes. Shoulder height: 6 feet. Weight: up to 2000 pounds. Both sexes have horns about 2 feet long and slightly spiralled. They have a hump on the shoulders and a prominent dewlap. Color is tawny; dorsal line, tail tuft and tip of dewlap are all black. They have a few thin, vertical white stripes on the body and a tuft of dark hair on the forehead. Their hooves are rounded.
Found in eastern, central and southern Africa. Prefer plains or moderately rolling country with brush and scattered trees.
Young leaves of trees and shrubs; also, succulent fruits. Males and female favor different foods: females are selective feeders of flowers and herbs in open grassland, while male browse bushes near cover
Can go for long periods without drinking, getting sufficient moisture from food.

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