Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Common Eland

Elands have been tamed, but not domesticated as yet. Eland can gain 1 1/2 pounds a day on grazing land compared to about 2/3 of a pound in cattle. Adult males produce a clicking noise when walking, possibly originating in the tendons of the front legs. The click is much louder than the clacking of the hooves and can be heard over a mile away in still conditions. The sound may serve to warn younger males there is a large dominant male around.

They have been reduced in numbers because: they are easily captured and killed; they yield large amounts of tender meat; their thick hide is excellent; and they suffer from rinderpest. Although the common eland is not endangered, the giant eland is listed as endangered by the IUCN and the USFDI.

MacDonald, David. 1984. The Encyclopedia of Mammals

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