Saturday, August 25, 2007
Rock Cavy
Rock cavies live in the arid, north-eastern countryside of Brazil, and have adapted to living in rocky outcrops called lajeiros.
Cavies are relatives of the domestic Guinea pig. They have heavily padded feet, are quite agile, and are exceptional climbers. Coat is gray, grizzled with white and black. Throat is white and the belly is yellowish-white. The rump and backs of thighs are reddish. There is no tail and both sexes look similar.
Cavies are very vocal, making a variety of chirps, squeaks, burbles and squeals. Sometimes, a piercing alarm whistle is emitted when excited. Cavies are, for the most part, very docile and only get aggressive with younger cavies.
Cavies become sexually mature between 1 and 3 months of age. The gestation period for cavies is fairly long for rodents, lasting from 50 - 60 days. Litter sizes average 2 - 3 offspring. The male usually does not help rear the young.
Cavies are relatives of the domestic Guinea pig. They have heavily padded feet, are quite agile, and are exceptional climbers. Coat is gray, grizzled with white and black. Throat is white and the belly is yellowish-white. The rump and backs of thighs are reddish. There is no tail and both sexes look similar.
Cavies are very vocal, making a variety of chirps, squeaks, burbles and squeals. Sometimes, a piercing alarm whistle is emitted when excited. Cavies are, for the most part, very docile and only get aggressive with younger cavies.
Cavies become sexually mature between 1 and 3 months of age. The gestation period for cavies is fairly long for rodents, lasting from 50 - 60 days. Litter sizes average 2 - 3 offspring. The male usually does not help rear the young.