Monday, December 04, 2006
Males grow to a length of 12 to 17 inches and females from 7 to 9 inches. Panther chameleons range in color from green to blue to red depending on the region of Madagascar where they are found. The Nosy Be male is blue-green, emerald green, turquoise with patches of red or yellow on the head and chest. Lips are bright yellow or white. A continuous white stripe runs the length of the body. Dark vertical bars may appear on the lateral surface of the body and tail when the animal is stressed. Females are dull in color, i.e. gray or brown. When they are receptive to breeding, they lighten or brighten in color, and when non-receptive or gravid, they become dark brown to black with contrasting color bars.
Geographical range: Trees of the tropical rainforests of the island of Nosy Be off the island of Madagascar.
Geographical range: Trees of the tropical rainforests of the island of Nosy Be off the island of Madagascar.