Sunday, February 26, 2006


Long-Billed Corella

This is a small (35-41 cm) white cockatoo with a strong pink (or reddish-orange) splodge on the face and breast, a short square-ended tail, pointed wings, and a large rounded head with a very short crest and an elliptical pale blue eye-ring. The iris is dark brown and bill and legs are gray. There is a imperceptible yellow suffusion on the underwing and a strong yellow suffusion below the tail. The extremely long upper jawbone which is distinctive to the species almost appears deformed. Vocalizations include a quavering contact call (wirup)), some squeaky dialog and a high-pitched alarm screech.
Diet: Seeds, nuts, fruits, berries, roots and bulbs as well as insects and their larvae. They will also take newly sown grain and ripening crops, including sunflower seeds.

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