Monday, June 25, 2007


Arabian Wildcat

Characteristics: Gray-brown fur with tabby stripes that can be quite long and thick. They are usually marked with white patches on their bellies and between their forelegs, with a white throat patch. Unlike domestic cats, wildcats have tails that are bushy and blunt-ended.
Behavior:Solitary, both males and females maintain territories. They usually hunt at night, stalking their prey silently, and pouncing from close range to kill with their teeth and sharp claws. By day, they hide in the cover of rocks, reed beds or thick bushes.
Reproduction:After a gestation period of about 65 days, the female gives birth to 2 or 3 kittens in a secluded den. The young suckle for about a month and begin to accompany their mother on hunting trips when they are 3 months old. The young are independent by the time they are 6 months old, and are sexually mature at 1 year. The male plays no part in rearing the young.

Friday, June 08, 2007


Mule Deer

The Mule Deer, while closely related to the eastern species-the white-tailed deer, are remarkably distinct in their biological, ecological, and behavioral attributes.The Mule Deer carries its thin, black-tipped tail drooped, unlike the uplifted, bushy white tail of its cousin. They have a distinctly different gait from the leisurely, graceful leaps of the white-tail. When startled, a Mule Deer will move in a series of stiff-legged jumps with all four feet hitting the ground together.
Mule Deer are usually a dark gray-brown, with a small white rump patch and a small, black-tipped tail. Their large ears are distinctive. White-tail deer are tan in color, with a larger tail.Mule Deer antlers are normally smaller and branch to form 2 equal forks, while the male White-tailed Deer has forward curving antlers with a number of points (tines) branching from the main beam.

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